The go-to guide for early music


Rosie Moon

Contrabass, Viols

'Bach’s music is often described as being, in essence, about dance. You only had to watch the double bass player, Rosie Moon, so free and understand what is meant.'

  • Fiona Maddocks, The Observer

Working as a musician with historically informed instruments has led Rosie to playing bass violin, violone in G and 16-foot (double) bass for a variety of concerts and ensembles.

As a regular performer with Florilegium, she has recorded Bach’s complete Brandenburg Concertos live on BBC Radio 3 at the York Early Music Festival, performed at Wigmore Hall and recorded Haydn’s symphonies, Le Matin, Le Midi and Le Soir as soloist. In 2022, Rosie recorded flute concertos with Ashley Solomon on original instruments with Channel Classics.

She is currently a continuo player (on violone in G and double bass) for the Oxford Bach Soloists; an ensemble which aims to perform all of Bach’s works in a twelve year period and is gaining calibre and recognition in the UK.

'These arias were given vivid character and drama by the instrumentalists...(including) Rosie Moon's energised double bass...and were as much participants in the drama as were the singers with whom they conversed.'

  • Claire Seymour, Opera Today

Rosie has played at many festivals in the UK and Europe including Festival Bach de Lausanne, Valletta Baroque Festival and Brighton Early Music Festival with Dame Emma Kirkby, Flauguissmo Duo and Consone Quartet. As a continuo player she has worked with David Hill, Richard Egarr, Laurence Cummings, Steven Devine (performing on basse de violon for Purcell's Dido and Aeneas) and Pavlo Besnosiuk (on violone for Corelli's violin sonatas). She was recently part of The London Handel Festival's 'The Realms of Sorrow' which was directed by Adele Thomas and received critical acclaim.

'The double bassist was within arm's reach as she despatched Handel's tempestuous figuration with historically informed panache. The proximity was thrilling.'

  • Flora Wilson, The Guardian

Rosie has performed with The Gabrieli Consort and Players, and La Nuova Musica (both as principal and tutti), Opera Settecento and The Feinstein Ensemble. In 2019 she toured Vivaldi’s ‘Griselda’ with Irish National Opera and Irish Baroque Orchestra under the direction of Peter Whelan and performed Bach Concertos with Rachel Podger in Oxford and Cambridge with IBO. She has been invited to play with The Sixteen, The King’s Consort, The Hanover Band and The Hampstead Collective.

'Rosie Moon (was) an ever-present powerhouse pulling the shape-shifting ensemble forward like an irresistible current.'

  • Richard Powell, York Press

During her Masters at Geneva Conservatoire she participated in The Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment’s scheme. Rosie studied the bass with Peter Buckoke during her undergraduate at The Royal College of Music.
