
Ensemble Molière - The King's Playlist

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Ensemble Molière - The King's Playlist

Ensemble Molière, former and first-ever BBC Radio 3 New Generation Baroque Ensemble, launched their debut album ‘The King’s Playlist' in March 2024, reimagining a day in the life of one of the most magnificent royals of the baroque era.

A luxuriant and varied selection of French baroque music to accompany Louis XIV, the Sun King, in his daily life. What better way to wake up than to be serenaded by the Ouverture from Charpentier’s Les Arts Florissants? The King’s day continues with extracts from Lully’s Phaëton as the sun rises, a little Couperin as one goes about Kingly duties of business, a Symphonie pour les soupers du Roy by Delalande to accompany supper, dance music from the Ballet Royal de la Nuit and a suite to dream to from Marais’ Trios pour le coucher du Roy. Louis XIV chose to portray himself as the Sun, the manifestation of the god Apollo on Earth and the ultimate power which gives life to all things.

The album is available to buy here and on all major streaming services.

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