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Brook Street Band

loveHandel 2023 - Handel in Italy, 1707-1710

Handel in Italy, 1707-1710

Jonathan Keates
loveHandel 2023 - Handel in Italy, 1707-1710

Supported by a grant from Continuo Foundation

Supported by Continuo Foundation

Indulge yourself with a little armchair travel to the Italian cities Handel worked in, setting the musical scene for this afternoon’s concert. Renowned Handel biographer Jonathan Keates offers a glimpse into the Roman world of patronage, Popes and Cardinals, and the operatic magic of Venice, “La Serenissima”, a city he has written extensively on, as former Chairman of the Venice in Peril Fund.

  • 🎉loveHandel
  • 📅Sun 15 October 2023
  • 📍The Assembly House, Norwich
  • 🕑2:00pm
  • 🎫£0-10

The Assembly House, Norwich
Theatre Street, Norwich, NR2 1QX, United Kingdom

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