

The Vauxhall Band

The Vauxhall Band is a collective of musicians and dancers dedicated to performing a wealth of original and unique 18th and 19th century repertoire on period instruments.

The ensemble is a revival of the name by which the group of musicians who played at Vauxhall Gardens were referred to historically.

Based on the findings of an ongoing research project, with a focus on music in London, concert programmes are inspired by music which was performed in a variety of social and cultural contexts: from Pleasure Gardens such as Vauxhall, Ranelagh, and Marylebone, to the West End theatres, to concert rooms.

Bringing together leading period instrument specialists, performing rare and largely unrepresented repertoire, The Vauxhall Band are here to showcase and reaffirm this once-popular glorious music.

Artistic Director - Laura Piras

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