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The Gesualdo Six

A Madrigal Wonderland

A Madrigal Wonderland

A delectable programme of secular songs with the peerless Gesualdo Six. The popularity of early madrigals from Renaissance Italy inspired English composers to create their own, led by the hugely talented Thomas Weelkes. Gesualdo Six also bring us up to date with brilliant modern madrigals by Ligeti, Judith Weir and Sarah Rimkus.

Marenzio Potrò viver io più se senza Luce
Palestrina Io son ferito, ahi lasso
Casulana Gran miracol d’amore
Gesualdo Asciugate i begli occhi
Monteverdi Si, ch’io vorrei morire
Arcadelt Il bianco e dolce cigno
Gibbons The Silver Swan
Byrd This sweet and merry month of May
Weelkes As Vesta was from Latmos hill
Weelkes Thule, the Period of Cosmography
Ligeti Nonsense Madrigals
Weir Madrigal
Rimkus A Birthday

  • Lammermuir Festival
  • Sun 15 September 2024
  • Aberlady Parish Church, Aberlady
  • 3:00pm
  • £30, £24, £18

Aberlady Parish Church, Aberlady
Aberlady Parish Church, Aberlady

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